3.5.0 release focuses on CamCal - camera projector calibration feature, video capture and Stype and many other additional features.
New features
Projection mapping
- CamCal: a camera projector calibration feature allowing you to quickly and automatically calibrate projectors based on a 3D model.
- New content overrides: Circles & lines, Calibration points (outputs projector’s calibration points), Custom color
- Added the ability to remove a calibration point or a pair of points.
- Automatic calibration starts whenever you add a new pair of points.
- Added the ability to drag a point and see the calibration updating in real-time.
- Arbitrary order of clicking virtual and projected/physical points in projector/camera calibration is now possible.
- Video capture: AJA, Blackmagic and Deltacast video capture cards are now fully supported.
- Stype camera tracking is now supported.
- uEye cameras are now supported.
- Available input/output pixel count is shown in the upper left part of the window.
Content pipeline
- Perspective thrower has been added. It works in real-time, so it can be set up to follow Stype data.
- Parallel thrower has been upgraded to work in real-time.
Layer Layouts
- Lua node has been upgraded to support more Lua libraries. Refer to user documentation for the exact list of supported libraries.
- Custom events: you can now create custom event Setters and Getters.
- New nodes: AJA, Blackmagic, Deltacast & Stype listener nodes, Stype splitter node, Set Thrower Data node.
- QuickUI: all variables and events can be set to appear in QuickUI window. A real-time interface for interacting and controlling your installation.
- Intro window dynamic help: when you open any of Sample project tabs, an adjacent section of the window shows relevant video tutorials.
- New version available popup window now shows main new features of the new LightAct version.
- Curve editor window has been updated.