Unreal Engine Texture Streaming 3.7.0

Thank for 3.7.0. I followed thru video and got it working expect I couldn’t get texture share from UE to Light Act projector work.
Could this be because I didn’t had nDisplay set up in UE (only configuration from LightAct)?
However I did get texture share working as last example in video.


Hi Matti,

Welcome to our Answerhub!

Could you please send over your .la file and all the corresponding nDisplay configuration files?


Hi Meetya,

Thanks. Sorry but I’m just testing with demo version so not able save. So it’s also nothing crital/urgent. I was just wondering if I missed something.



We just released 3.7.0 and with it we are also introducing a licensing change. Now, with LightAct Creator Free licenses, which replaces Trial license, you can save your work as much as you want. You can also use any number of outputs, however they are watermarked.

The idea is that you can work for free without limitations. You need to purchase a license only when you need to actually output something without a watermark.

That’s great news. Thank you very much.


I’m glad you like it.

I noticed though that I made a typo in my reply above. Creator Free has watermarked outputs and is not ‘watermark free’ as initially said. The text has now been edited.

Best regards,