When I video out, it freezes

I’m setting up on a new PC.
GPU: RTX2070super, CPU: i7-10700KF,mem32GB

When I select “enable” on the video output screen and project it on the projector, the lightact freezes.
I just did the initial setup of the windows OS as well.
I use a creator license.

Is there something wrong with your PC’s preferences?


I’m afraid I don’t have any ideas at this point. Does this happen even if you map your output to your main GUI display?

In general, LightAct follow the framerate of all the outputs that it is outputting to.

Sorry I could not have been more helpful,

When I output to the main display, it shows up fine.

I haven’t tried changing the main display to the projector side yet.

Now I’m trying to do it from reinstalling the OS.

If I still can’t output, I’ll try changing the GPU once and see if that helps.

I’m not sure what caused this, but I was able to VideoOut after reinstalling the OS. :thinking:

That’s pretty drastic, but I’m happy that it works now!

Hello Guys,
Just a newbee in lightact, but it seems, that I have the same issue…
An other to fix the problem without reinstalling the OS


I have the same black screen with the white square on the top left corner… and lightact freeze…